1-Month-Old Abandoned By Parents On A Colorado Roadside Had Cocaine His System, Family Says

Adams County Sheriff’s Office

The 1-month-old baby, who was abandoned on a Colorado street by his own parents on Christmas Day, had cocaine in his system, per relatives. Adams County officials received a call around 9:20 a.m. Wednesday about a baby left in a car seat wearing only a diaper on Pecos Street’s median, a busy road near US Highway 36, per Fox 31. The child’s parents, 42-year-old Jarvis Sims, and 33-year-old Christina Thurman were apprehended that night and charged with felony child abuse, per the New York Post

Thurman’s distraught family revealed that infant Xion, who had cocaine in his system, was abandoned on the road following a dispute between his parents that morning. 

Thurman’s cousin, Destiny Aguirre, and Xion’s godmother, said,

“We were so ready for this baby to have his first Christmas, the greatest Christmas … That’s what the first Christmas is, the greatest time. We didn’t even get that, it got stolen from us.” 

“What if he would have died? You’re going to leave him in the middle of the street and then what? So he could die a slow death in the cold? That is not right,”

she went on to say. 

Aguirre mentioned she lives just about 10 blocks from Thurman. Xion is now with Child Protective Services and is luckily, expected to recover. Thurman’s mother stated they’re

“doing everything to regain custody of the baby.”

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