A tragic incident occurred in South Carolina where a 3-year-old girl named Jasmine Denise Mikell lost her life after a birdbath fell on her while at a residence in Warrenville, causing severe abdominal injury. Emergency responders were called to the scene upon receiving reports of the accident, according to WRDW.
Upon discovering the incident, the family and the child were found on the road, and emergency responders quickly initiated CPR. Jasmine was immediately taken to the Children’s Hospital of Georgia in Augusta, where she tragically passed away the next day. Authorities, including the coroner, sheriff’s office, and South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, are investigating the incident. No charges have been filed thus far.
The young girl was described as someone who brought
“joy to anyone that she met.”
#Clique, let’s keep Jasmine Denise Mikell’s family in our thoughts and prayers!