Arkansas Man Allegedly Abandoned Puppies In A Box That Had His Name On It

Photo Credit: Mississippi County Sheriff's Office

An Arkansas man was arrested on animal cruelty charges for allegedly abandoning puppies at a local car wash, according to the NY Post. He reportedly used a box that had a shipping label with his name and information on it.

Jeremy Roberts, 20, was apprehended by police on Tuesday after three two-month-old puppies were discovered left behind in a wash bay at Wagner Car Wash on Highway 18 in Manila, as reported by the Manila Police Department and K8 News. Authorities were able to expedite their investigation after noticing the shipping label on the box, which included Roberts’ name and address, leading them to visit his residence.

“After talking with Roberts about the incident, he admitted to dumping the dogs,”

Officer Ronald Amick told the outlet. Roberts faces three counts of animal cruelty, as reported by the outlet. He was taken into custody by police and subsequently transferred to the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Office. He was later released on bond, according to the report.

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