In India, two brothers named Kalu, 25, and Kanha, 21, were given the death penalty by a special court for brutally gang-raping a 14-year-old girl and burning her alive in a coal furnace. The court ruling took place in Rajasthan’s Bhilwara District, per the Hindustan Times, India Today, and The Hindu, according to PEOPLE.
Seven individuals accused of involvement in disposing of the teen’s body were acquitted. However, Special Public Prosecutor Mahaveer Singh Kishnawat intends to appeal the acquittal. The girl went missing on Aug. 2, 2023, while tending to cattle. Her family discovered her shoes near a coal furnace and found bone fragments and a burnt bracelet inside it.
Officials discovered some of the teenager’s remains in a pond two days later. The brothers, who were responsible for the coal furnace, confessed to disposing of the victim in the furnace and then scattering some of her remains in the pond to obstruct the police investigation.
According to India Today, a forensic examination revealed that sadly, the teen was still alive when she was placed in the furnace. Officials stated that she had been struck on the head with a stick, as reported by The Hindu.
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