Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Serial Bank Robber Strikes After He Was Given Compassionate Release From Prison

Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office

A serial bank robber got his last hurrah pulling off a heist after he received a compassionate release from prison.

Clifford Court Uptegrove, 61, of Washington State was sentenced on Thursday to 23 years for the 2021 robbery of an Oregon-based bank, Law & Crime reports.

Uptegrove reportedly wielded a gun at a teller at Umpqua Bank branch in Hermiston and was handed $13,690 in cash. He reportedly stole a truck and went on a hot police pursuit before being captured.

Ironically, Uptegrove, who robbed at least 11 banks, was let out of prison on compassionate release 14 months ago because of asthma and the increased possibility of catching COVID in prison. Having leniency didn’t help because he got out of prison and robbed again.

Something tells us he must love prison because he previously served 16-and-a-half years for armed bank robbery after being convicted in 2004.

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