Check Your Papers! Woman Inherits $1 Million from Ex-Boyfriend Who Died After He Forgot to Remove Her As Beneficiary When They Broke Up 34 Years Ago

Jeffrey Rolison (Social media/WSJ)

One man’s oops, is another woman’s treasure after a Pennsylvania woman learned that she was one million dollars richer thanks to her deceased ex-boyfriend’s life insurance policy that still had her listed as beneficiary.

Jeffery Rolison, filed his insurance papers back in 1987, naming his then-girlfriend at the time, Margaret Sjostedt, as the beneficiary on his retirement account. Rolison apparently went on with life after the two broke up in 1989, but seemingly forgot his ex was still on his insurance forms.

Fast-forward, Rolison, who was employed by Proctor & Gamble, passed away in 2015. His brothers found out that Sjostedt was staking a claim to the benefits, and they’ve been contesting the claim in federal court since.

“We were shocked,” Rolison’s brother Brian told the Wall Street Journal.

Sjostedt, who now goes by Margaret Losinger, believes the money is rightfully hers. In fact, in 2020, she won a case and the court sided with her and ordered P&G to give her the cash. However, the brothers are continuing to fight so the money is being withheld.

Their lawyer David Gould is filing an appeal for the brothers, but this will be a tough nut to crack.

#Clique, would y’all give the $1 million back or keep it?

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