Florida Priest Bites Woman After Refusing To Give Her Communion, Police Say

A priest in Central Florida got into an argument with a church member during service and ended up biting them, per WFTV 9.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Josh Applegate

A priest in Central Florida got into an argument with a church member during service and ended up biting them, per WFTV 9. The incident took place at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St Cloud. The police have suggested charging the priest, Father Fidel, with battery. 

This happened while people were receiving communion during the mass, reports note. According to an unidentified woman, the disagreement began when she was denied communion.

“He tried to forcefully shove it in her mouth, and she backed up,”

a witness told police.

“She said no don’t do that and she tried to get it and that is when he went crazy.”

The priest, however, shared a different version of the events with the police. According to him, the woman attended the 10 o’clock mass but seemed unfamiliar with how to receive communion. As a result, he denied her the bread wafer. The priest said that the woman returned for another service and attempted to take the wafer from his hand, leading to a confrontation.

He admitted to biting the woman and explained that he did so to protect the wafer because it is believed to be the body of Christ.

“I am not judging you; I am asking you; did you confess after mass? If you did not confess, I cannot give you communion.,”

Fidel told officers.

“I bit her, I am not denying that. I am defending myself and the sacrament.”

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