Jeannie Mai’s 911 Call Over Denied Access to Jeezy’s Home Released

Jeezy and Jeannie Mai (Instagram)

An audio recording of Jeannie Mai’s 911 call pleading for help to access Jeezy’s home has gone viral. The call revealed her predicament when she tried to recover her clothes and belongings from her ex’s Georgia home. During the 911 call, Jeannie Mai asked the Police to assist her after Jeezy’s home manager refused her entry into the rapper’s home.

Jeannie Mai’s 911 Call For Entry Into Ex’s Home Released

Jeannie Mai and Jeezy’s turbulent relationship came to the fore recently after a 911 call the former made was released. Mai called the Police to report being restricted from accessing her ex, Jeezy’s, home. The incident happened a few months after the couple’s divorce was finalized in June 2024. The judge presiding over their case granted the TV host a court order to pack her belongings. These included her awards, handbags, clothes, and shoes. Mai was asked to remove the items from Jeezy’s home within 21 days, per documents obtained by InTouch Weekly.

Mai visited the rapper’s residence on December 9, 2024, with her assistant, security, and movers. However, when she arrived, she met the manager, who had received orders for her not to enter the house. The staff told Mai she could not walk through the home but could only go straight to the garage where her boxes were. Mai said she didn’t intend to invade her ex’s privacy and only wanted to ensure she missed nothing. She then called the Atlanta Police Department to report.

Jeannie Mai Asks For Police Help On 911 Call

During Jeannie Mai’s 911 call, she revealed that she arrived before the movers who would reach Jeezy’s home in about 30 minutes. She told the dispatch:

“I’m going through a divorce right now. I’m here now, and the owner isn’t permitting me in,” and added that she had a court order that was supposed to grant her access.

The TV personality asked for an officer to come help her make a report of the situation “or at least try once more to … to see if there’s a way with the police to possibly allow me entry into the home.”

After the dispatch agreed to send an officer to assess the situation, the Extra TV host gave them the house address and asked how soon they could reach her. Jeannie Mai’s 911 call lasted about 3 minutes and 57 seconds, and she reported that the manager changed their stance afterward. In a motion she filed later, Mai’s lawyer wrote:

“When the police officer informed the house manager that a court order was, in fact, being violated, the house manager then had to shift gears and create a new barrier to entry.”

Jeannie Mai’s Belongings Were Damaged

Despite the shift in position, Mai’s entry into Jeezy’s home still was not smooth sailing. She claimed that her ex-husband’s house manager, at Jeezy’s request, “refused to allow anyone on behalf of [Jeannie] to enter the home unless they signed a nondisclosure agreement. To note, there is nothing in the court order that states any language regarding a nondisclosure agreement.”

Meanwhile, when the fashion expert eventually entered the garage where her boxes were stored, she discovered her items were damaged. Also, water had soaked through the boxes. Some of her awards were reportedly “broken and scratched.” The garage was full of mouse traps, indicating that mice had gotten to and possibly “eaten through” a few of the boxes.”

Many fans have criticized Jeannie Mai’s 911 call, asking why she chose to disturb the Police over a domestic dispute. Some also mocked her for requesting an ETA for a non-emergency. However, she was thankfully able to recover her items, though damaged. Hopefully, Jeezy and Mai can close this chapter of their lives now and move on.

#Clique, what do you think about Jeannie Mai’s 911 call? Let us know in the comments.

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