Main Character Syndrome: A Breakdown of Pros and Cons

Image Credit: Pexels/ Andrea Piacuqdio

Main character syndrome means you are the main character or lead in your life. Is it a good thing or is it a bad thing? Well, it all depends on how a person’s mindset is structured. Usually, the main character can be geared towards self-growth. It could also mean that a people’s pleaser is willing to care for themselves.

Evaluating Main Character Syndrome

Despite having this syndrome attached to the main character, it is not a clinically diagnosed disease. It was first recognized when Ashley Ward, a TikTok content creator used it. While its origin remains unknown, internet users warmly adopted the term. Main character syndrome encourages one to practice self care. According to the unwritten rule, it means putting one’s self first. But when does this self care routine become unacceptable.

The Pros/Cons Of Main Character Syndrome

Main character syndrome can be liberating one’s mental health, but it has its downsides. If not handled with a positive mindset, it borders on narcissism. Here a person displays an over-inflated ego. They also fail to give others due intention, instead, the spotlight is on them. A person with main character syndrome would:

Post Almost Anything

There are usually no restrictions. They post about their life showing everyone how happy they are. When done positively is not a problem. However, a person with main character syndrome is usually a regular poster.

The Conversations Begins/Ends With Them

Remember that it’s always about them. So rather than listen, they want to be listened to. This trait can severe friendships and romantic relationships. This is because everyone needs to be heard. But in a situation where only one person does the talking, there’s a problem.

They Live For Praises

They flash their small wins in everyone’s eyes wanting to be noticed. Such a person would only feel validated through people’s accolades and cheers. Even when they make a self sacrifice for another, they broadcast it online.

Opinions Are Always Right

After all they live for themselves so why should anyone else matter? Rather than look at things holistically, they prefer to reside in their bubble. Sometimes such a person feels intellectually sound and would put other people down.

They Blow Things Out of Proportion

The focus is on them so should the conversations. But it doesn’t end there. The minute the attention shifts, they demand for it. Other times it could be that they crave acknowledgement so they put down people’s efforts. For them, their acheivemet tops the list and nothing else matters.

Main Character Syndrome Is Good

While the main theme remains being the focus, when abused it is bad. But when measured and practiced in good faith, it is positive. Main character syndrome leads to self awareness. In other words, a person who prioritizes themselves can have fulfilling life experiences.

Since they are confident in themselves they are usually able to connect with others. This feeling increases their acceptance of other people’s views on life. They also know how to regulate their emotions. To actively stay on the path of good while practising main character syndrome one miust:

  • Avoid being self-absorbed.
  • Keep track of conversations with people.
  • Be intentional when planning outings. It should not be about self all the time.
  • Practice intentional listening.
  • Evaluate your relationships.

Final Note

Too much of anything is bad and main character syndrome isn’t an exception. Always remember to tone it down when necessary. But know that one must be conscious and intentional to do so effectively.

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