Man Arrested After Being Accused Of Viciously Attacking 62-Year-Old Deli Worker Leaving Him Unconscious

David von Diemar/Unsplash

Prosecutors have charged 29-year-old Osvel Diaz with attempted murder for brutally beating a 62-year-old deli worker in Queens. Surveillance footage reveals Diaz repeatedly kicking and punching the victim until he was unconscious, then continuing to attack him, according to WPIX

The victim, Abdul Alshawish, remains in the hospital after suffering severe injuries including a brain hemorrhage and multiple facial fractures. Diaz, who was apprehended on Wednesday, pleaded not guilty to charges of attempted murder and assault and is currently held without bail.  

Melinda Katz, the Queens District Attorney said,

“Business owners and their workers should never have to fear that they will be the targets of violence.” 

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