McDonald’s Worker Sentenced To Five Years After Setting Dumpster On Fire To Clear Out ‘Crowded’ Restaurant

Chatham County

A Georgia McDonald’s trainee manager, Joshua Daryl McGregor, was slapped with a five-year sentence after setting ablaze a large dumpster to manage overwhelming customer traffic at his restaurant, per The New York Post.

“He lit a piece of cardboard on fire and tossed it into the restaurant’s dumpster, which was full of cardboard and other flammable materials, and ensured the fire ignited before returning to the restaurant,”

said the federal prosecutors said.

The prosecutor noted,

“The fire became so intense that customers in the drive-through lane had to back out of the parking lot, and the restaurant was forced to briefly close”

as firefighters put out the fire. 

The 34-year-old filmed the incident, and uploaded the footage to Facebook, reports the Charlotte Observer. Reports added that McGregor was caught after he was seen on camera setting the fire. 

He was sentenced to five years after pleading guilty to arson. Federal prosecutors stated he must also pay restitution for the property damaged in the fire, but they did not reveal the specific amount he has to pay. 

William Joseph Turner, McGregor’s attorney, revealed that the 34-year-old is

“a good man that made a mistake, and he will move past this.”

Despite the defense’s remarks, Jill E. Steinberg, the US Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia said,

“Intentionally setting a fire in an effort to shut down or damage someone else’s property is inexcusable… Joshua McGregor will have substantial time to ponder his post-prison employment options.”

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