Mother Arrested For Cold-Case Murder Of Newborn Boy Left In Bag At Dumpsite 30 Years Ago

Facebook/Pamela Ferreyra

A California mother 60-year-old Pamela Ferreyra has been charged with murder 30 years after her newborn son was found dead in a paper bag at a dump in Monterey County. DNA testing confirmed her identity as the mother of the baby, known as

“Baby Garin,”

who was discovered by a can collector in 1994. According to the New York Post, Ferreyra was apprehended on Thursday following the investigation.

“Every child deserves protection and people to advocate and seek justice for them,”

said Sheriff Tina M. Nieto.

Officials have not determined the baby’s exact age when he was thrown away or if he was alive or deceased. A can collector found him in a paper bag, said Commander Andres Rosas from Monterey County.

“If you ask any law enforcement professional, they will tell you that the hardest case to investigate is any involving crimes against children… These are emotional cases that one does not easily if ever forget,”

said Rosas.

Ferreyra, an in-home healthcare worker and mother of several children, was apprehended at her home on Thursday and charged with one count of murder, per KSBW-TV.

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