ONLYFANS Star Azranur Av Arrested After Vowing to Break Pornstar Bonnie Blue’s Sex Challenge World Record by Sleeping with 100 Men in 24 Hours

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Onlyfans’ Azranur AV was recently brought in front of a judge after local police arrested her. The adult content creator boasted of her ability to set a new world record with her sex challenge. She tells fans of her intentions to displace Bonnie Blue by having sex with 100 men in one day.

She confessed her inspiration to become the first Turkish woman to sleep with the most number of men in 24 hours. Amid being married, the onlyfans content creator also eyed the world record for the sex challenge. To launch this challenge, she has decided to begin with 100 men in a day.

Interestingly, Azranur would not be the first woman to make such an outstanding record.
Per The Sun, her predecessors include Bonnie Blue who bedded 1057 barely adult men in 11 hours, and Lisa Sparks who had 919 in her bed in 2004.

Despite what might seem like an impressive feat to Azranur AV, following her to-do list going public, the Istanbul police reacted. First, The Istanbul Public Security Branch Directorate’s Morality Bureau initiated an investigation into the declaration. Once they were convinced that the model was professing “moral decadence,” they caught up with her.

At the time of her arrest, Azranur AV was in Atasehir for a scheduled cosmetic procedure. The model had her day in court where she claimed to be unharmful. However, the authorities challenged her moral compass and the Istanbul 6th Criminal Judgeship of Peace threatened her with prison time.

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