Parent Slaps Principal, Sends Her Flying From Chair After Being Asked To Control Child

(Iberville Parish Sheriff's Office)

A disturbing incident occurred at Iberville Elementary School in Plaquemine, Louisiana, earlier this month when a parent assaulted the school’s principal during a basketball game. 

Surveillance footage captured the moment Alessia Parker, 34, struck Principal Lisa Jones in the face with such force that she was knocked out of her chair, WLBT reports.

According to the Plaquemine Police Department, the altercation began when Principal Jones requested that Parker supervise her child, who had been causing disruptions during the game. 

In response, Parker approached Jones and delivered a slap that resulted in the principal sustaining a busted lip and a head injury. Emergency services transported Jones to a local hospital, where she received treatment and was later released.  

Parker was arrested at the scene and has been charged with battery of a school teacher, resisting officers, and disturbing the peace. She is currently being held on a $100,000 bond.  

District Court Judge Elizabeth Engolio emphasized the severity of the charges, stating, “Battery of a school teacher is a serious offense, and such actions will not be tolerated in our community.”  

#Clique, what would you have done in this situation?

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