Police Searching For Suspect Who Allegedly Threw Hot Coffee On Nine-Month-Old Baby

Photo Credit: Queensland Police Service

The parents of a baby boy who was burned when a stranger threw hot coffee on him are asking for help to catch the attacker, reports The Guardian. Nine-month-old Luka had surgery at Queensland Children’s Hospital after suffering serious burns on 60% of his body, including his face, neck, chest, and arms, from the incident on Tuesday.

“My baby boy didn’t deserve this, no one does. I wish he poured the hot coffee all over me and not my boy,”

the baby’s mother posted to social media.

“Please if anyone has any CCTV footage around Lincoln Street / Regina Street in Stones Corner please speak to police. This man needs to be found and charged.”

New pictures from Luka’s mom show him in bandages and special clothing, as he heals in the hospital. Police described the man who attacked Luka as being between 30 and 40 years old, with an average build and tanned skin. He was seen on CCTV wearing a black hat, glasses, a blue checkered shirt, and shorts. 

“This man was standing above him, behind him, and poured a Thermos of hot coffee over him. He just started screaming,”

A friend of the mother, Zara Mazza told the outlet. Bystanders quickly came to help the baby by pouring water from their bottles on him. Then, a trainee nurse offered her apartment for a cold shower so they could keep water running on him continuously.

“Bub is in a stable condition … they say that he’ll need regular dressing changes under anesthetic over the next weeks. They don’t know how long, but, yeah. It’s gonna take a while.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help pay for Luka’s medical expenses.

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