Georgia Inmate Found Dead After Being “Eaten Alive” In Bed Bug Infested Jail Cell
The family of an inmate in an Atlanta jail who died after being “eaten alive” by bed bugs and other insects are calling for a criminal investigation into his death, CBS News reported. On June 12th, Lashawn Thompson was arrested for a misdemeanor battery charge. Due to mental health issues, the 35-year-old was taken to the psychiatric wing of Fulton County Jail. Three months later, he was found dead in his cell. Thompson’s family have now retained a lawyer, Michael Harper, to both call for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death, and begin the process of an upcoming civil suit. According to jail records, medical staff were aware that Thompson’s health was deteriorating due to a bed big infestation, but refused to help him. “They literally watched his health decline until he died,” said Harper. “When his body was found one of the detention officers refused to administer CPR because in her words she ‘freaked out.’” In a set of disturbing photos that Harper has released to the public, both Thompson and his jail cell are covered in thousands of bugs. Harper stated the cell was “not fit for a diseased animal.” With a capacity of over 2,500 inmates, the Fulton County Jail is one of the largest jails within the United States and is notorious for the amount of issues and scandals surrounding it. Officers have been suspects of allowing inmates order food from restaurants, a female officer was caught on video having sexual encounters with an inmate, a deputy’s ear was bitten off, and more. Last month, more than 200 shanks were found, along with other contraband. “It’s no secret that the dilapidated and rapidly eroding conditions of the current facility make it incredibly difficult to meet the goal of providing a clean, well-maintained and healthy environment for all inmates and staff,” a spokesperson for the jail wrote. “That is why Sheriff Labat continues to call building a new Fulton County Jail and Criminal Justice Complex.”