Texas Woman Tells Court She Murdered Her Grandmother After Thinking She Was Practicing ‘Witchcraft’ Against Her

Image Credit: News 4 (WOAI) San Antonio

Tamera Laws is on the wrong side of the law after killing her grandmother with her bare hands. The 28-year-old admitted to the crime but argued that she had an ‘insanely’ perfect excuse.

On Thursday while speaking inside the San Antonio Court, Laws waived her rights to a jury. The 28-year-old who beat and eventually stabbed her grandmother suggested that she preferred judgment directly from the judge. If found guilty, she risks being sent to prison for life.

Back in 2020, Tamera Laws murdered her 70-year-old grandmother Doris Novella inside her own home. She now tells the court that this action was led by voices in her head. According to Laws, she believed that the elderly had a negative energy that needed to be beaten out— thus she took laws into her own hands.

“I thought the energy was on me, so I was thinking to get it off, I had to beat it out,” Laws told prosecutors.

This energy which she tagged as witchcraft was not the only reason. The accused stated that she heard voices in her head that supported the killing. To make matters worse, she alleged that her father had instructed her to kill Novella just to protect herself.

According to WOAI, Laws did speak to her father two times before the murders, but the authorities are yet to decipher what was said. During her testimony, the suspect went emotional, showing intense remorse for the crime while affirming that she would never have hurt her grandmother.

Tamera Laws maintained that she was a meth addict who was not entirely aware of the dangers she impacted on Novella. However, the prosecutors argued that the killer-granddaughter was fully aware as she tried to clean up the scene before fleeing.

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