Why Do You Get Obsessed Quickly But Lose Interest: Understanding The Cycle

Image Credit: Pexels/ Yogendra Singh

Losing interest in things once held dear can be based on different factors. It could be that the person outgrew the activity or found something better to do. However, when this becomes constant in their lives, they might have a problem. Individuals who easily get obsessed and then lose interest may be suffering from hyperfixation.

Defining The Term Hyperfixation

The term ‘hyper’ generally means when something is on the high side or going overboard. It’s little wonder that it describes this extreme focus problem. In clear terms, Hyperfixation is described as being too focused on a thing. The attention is often extreme because such a person would ignore their surroundings. Studies have proven it to be a mental health issue. Some people also believe that hyper fixation is when a person focuses too long on a thing. They categorize focus on things with a shorter period as HYPERFOCUS. Regardless of which is longer or shorter, the problem is the same. Both descriptions feature extremism and obsession.

Symptoms of Hyperfixation

Generally, people may be hyper-fixated on things and later lose interest. This doesn’t mean that they may have a mental problem. However, people who deal with anxiety, autism, depression, and bipolarity are likely to suffer hyperfixation. The signs include:

Intense Obsession

Anhedonia or loss of interest can be spotted in a person who immerses themselves in a task and forgets about time. Their inability to focus on other things makes them entirely consumed with what they have at hand.

Inability To Control Thoughts

Their focus is solely on one thing and nothing else matters. They are unable to work on different tasks without making a mess.

Being Unaware

Understandably, being unaware would stem from the fact that they are obsessed with an action. This stops them from noticing their surroundings.

Focus Can Be Self-centered

They engage only in things that give them immense joy or happiness. So it is possible that they may not be useful in teamwork.

Their Performance Is Commendable

This is one of the softballs. When a person does brilliantly in an activity, there is a possibility they spent too much time on it.

The Advantages And Disadvantages

Like everything in life, extremes always have two sides. While being obsessed with a thing and losing interest has its perks, the downsides are alarming.

Lack Of Proper Self Care

While a person may hyper-fixate on something they like, they may neglect proper self-care. This is because their time is spent on just one thing. For them, nothing else matters, whether food, personal hygiene, or their surroundings.

Relationships Suffer

Apart from physical deterioration, hyperfixation leads to social isolation. Due to the individual’s inability to focus on more than one thing, they fail to connect with others.


This is a pendulum that swings both ways. Their devotion to things may be bad for their personal growth. This happens mostly when such a person focuses on impossible tasks. When they focus on the right things, it may yield a fruitful result.

Final Note

Everyone has a hyper-fixation phase—they become obsessed and lose interest quickly. However, it only becomes a problem when it is frequent. Apart from knowing the symptoms, try to contact a licensed health professional.

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