Woman Killed In Hit-and-Run Crash After Rideshare Driver Leaves Her On The Side Of An Interstate For Being Sick 


Sadly, a woman was killed amid a hit-and-run crash

“after her rideshare driver left her on the side”

of a road on an interstate in Colorado. According to officials, the shocking incident occurred early in morning on New Year’s day. The woman, who was revealed to be in her 20s, got out of the vehicle with her friends after she got sick moments past midnight on Sunday, reports the New York Post

Reports say the woman

“walked out into the roadway and was sideswiped by a dark truck that never stopped but continued driving”

on the parkway. The woman then fell down and was hit by another vehicle. The second car stopped and stayed at the scene. 

On Monday, Adam Wooley, 33, surrendered as the driver who initially hit the woman and he was charged with a hit-and-run involving death. Reports added that his truck was impounded. The Denver Post reports that it isn’t certain and is doubtful that the rideshare driver will face any charges. 

Jesus Mendez, a Thornton police Officer said,

“I do know that is not the cause of the accident. It’s not that a vehicle ran off the side of the road and struck them. This person walked out into the roadway and was struck.”

#Clique, let’s keep this woman’s family in our thoughts and prayers. 


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