In San Antonio, a hoarder squatter and a large aggressive goat created a troublesome situation by refusing to vacate a house. The belligerent billy goat not only attacked the homeowner, Daniel Cabrera but also the police. Cabrera had purchased the five-bedroom property for $175,000 from a woman who had refused to leave since June, per the New York Post.
Cabrera faced trouble when he approached the woman on the front porch. A grumpy animal tied there suddenly attacked him, adding to the already complicated situation.
He told,
“When I saw the goat, I’m like, ‘Oh, sh–t. Keep in mind, this isn’t some oil town. It’s not the backwoods. We’re in San Antonio! It kept coming for me … I’m like, ‘I better not get any closer.’ This is crazy.”
Cabrera claimed he had paid the unnamed woman for the house and gave her a week to vacate. Despite his ownership and eviction notice, she resisted until Nov. 29, when police intervened. She refused to open the door, leading Cabrera to hire a locksmith. The situation escalated when the aggressive goat attacked one of the officers.
Cabrera noted,
“The goat butted one of the officers.. He said, ‘The goat got me good.’ The officers were like, ‘This is nuts in here.’”
Upon entering, they found the woman to be a hoarder in a chaotic environment filled with garbage and freely roaming cats and dogs. Eventually, she left the house but settled on the driveway with some of her cats, where she remained for at least another day. It’s unclear where the goat went.
Cabrera’s name was on the deed, which is why he referred to her as
“a squatter with a goat”
According to Texas law, if a person has resided in a home and fulfilled tax obligations for a period of five years, they are legally allowed to stay as a squatter.
#Clique, what are your thoughts?
‘Squatter’ with angry goat attacked homeowner and cops, refused to leave Texas home
— New York Post (@nypost) April 26, 2024