5 Subtle Clues Hinting That You’re Unhappy At Work


Most people who are unhappy at work don’t even know it. Some think that dreading Mondays and hoping for the weekend is just fatigue at work. But sometimes, this could give off the feeling that the environment is leaving them unfulfilled. It could also mean that they feel miserable and spent. According to Forbes, there are more unhappy workers than happy ones— on a global scale. This goes to show that not all unhappy workers know the truth about their state. Being Miserable Yet Unhappy Studies indicate that a person lives for about eighty years. During their lifespan, they spend about thirteen years working. Many would disagree as they must have spent more years than the records postulate. However, this adequately reveals that being unhappy leaves workers drained. They sometimes feel as if they have spent longer years at work. Unhappy At Work—Five Rarely Noticed Clues The clues below indicate that you might be having a difficult time at work. Feeling Stuck This is a common thing for middle-aged workers. They might not dread the thought of resuming. But doing the same thing for more than a decade can leave them feeling stagnant. Most times for people their age, it is almost impossible to learn something new. Thus this affects their chances of changing to a new job. Constant Distraction Not being able to have a credible attention span is one sign of being unhappy at work. This could tamper with the quality of output and turnaround time for tasks. On the contrary, people who feel happy are always full of ideas. This helps them to be creative and less distracted. No Excitement About Work Shows That You’re Unhappy Unhappy people at work wish that the weekend would be longer. This is different if it is not frequent and based on fatigue. But when a person constantly dreads a fresh work day or week, there’s a problem. It could be a sign of misery at the workplace. Comparing previous years and your current reality at the office would tell where the issue lies. You’re Unhappy If You Don’t Talk About Work If as a family man or woman work isn’t discussed after the close of the day, then it’s a sign that you may be unhappy. Most people come home to a receiving partner to briefly relive their time at work. For some people, it could be a friend or another family member. But the prevalent factor of being happy is being able to share work tales. More Negative Energy Than Positive Some people fail to be positive because their work is draining. They find it difficult to remember why they were excited about work in the first place. They also only see the negatives in working and may not be able to finish up simple tasks. Oftentimes, feelings are explicitly translated into work output. People who are affected by personal problems fall in this bracket. People going through divorces, or other issues would have a tough time staying happy, especially at work. All they will see is the bad in every situation. Final Note Being unhappy at work may minimize one’s output. But the need to earn would often leave them without a choice. To avoid such a situation, it is best to find a well-paying job. This may help cushion the effect of being overworked. However, one must have passion, or else not even the big bucks can save them! #Clique, what are your thoughts?

How To Prevent Overstimulation: 5 Effective Strategies

Overstimulation is when the brain becomes bombarded with information. This makes it difficult for a person to adequately process information. Usually, the brain responds to sensory inputs. The brain does the job of processing sounds and feelings among others. It selects what to react to and what not to. In a situation where it’s impossible to filter, the person experiences overstimulation. A sensory breakdown or overload is caused by the intensity of the sensory nerves. This includes loud noises, crowded areas, an increase in temperature, and blinding lights. Causes And Signs Of Overstimulation Signs of overstimulation may not be glaring at first. But as time goes by, if ignored, it becomes worse. The common pattern among people suffering from overstimulation is: While overstimulation can happen to anyone, some people often experience it. Overstimulation mostly occurs in people with PTSD, and Tourette Syndrome. Autistic patients and individuals with anxiety disorders are also at risk. So what influences such an experience? The Environment This would be classified as environmental overstimulation. It means that a person’s sense organs react intensely to their surroundings. A crowded room and foods with intense temperatures (hot/cold) can cause overstimulation. Personal Causes Overstimulation would occur based on a person’s habits or lifestyle. Having trouble sleeping, and regular thinking can hurt the brain. Other personal factors include an insufficient diet and being oversensitive. Modern Technology While technology has improved the quality of life, it has its downsides. Using a mobile device just before bed and getting immersed are ways to be overstimulated. Being addicted to the internet also leads the brain to process too much information at once. Additionally using multiple devices even for work purposes can influence overstimulation. 5 Ways To Prevent Overstimulation This state is completely avoidable. See different ways below: Understand The Cause Problems are half solved once the root is unearthed. Since the goal is to correct overstimulation, look out for why it’s happening. Once the cause is recognized, try to avoid it. For people affected by crowds, skip attending concerts. Be Mindful Since overthinking is one of the leading causes, practice mindfulness. Control thoughts, rather than worry about the future, live in the present. To do that effectively, try out meditation. By doing yoga, exercising, and creative thinking, the chances of overstimulation decrease. Relax The Brain Leave the computer screens and log off the internet for some time. That information can always wait for another time. Don’t overwork the brain by stressing the eyes. One better way to achieve this is by replacing screen time with nature-time. Feed on the lush green trees and calm lake waters. Gregory Bratman, an assistant professor, underscores nature’s effects on humans. He claimed that being in contact with nature and a green environment positively affects the brain. Speak To Someone If You Are Experiencing Overstimulation Rather than being overwhelmed by problems, find a trusted person to share them with. It could be a friend, sibling, or partner. This would limit the amount of time spent on worrying. If there is no one around then try seeing a professional. Therapy is a great way to get back on track after overstimulation. Practice Self Love Getting used to healthy routines like exercising, and meditation helps to soothe the nervous system. Get immersed in these activities. Other ways to show self-love are by having proper rest and being positive. Final Note According to research, 5% to 16.5% of the world’s population suffer from overstimulation. Whether mild or intense, overstimulation is never a death sentence. It can be managed by consciousness to avoid the cause. Plus constant practice to shake off. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

The Fine Line Between Healthy And Toxic Emotional Detachment


Emotional detachment is a conscious act, and it is not as easy as it sounds. Every human deals with emotions. Research posits that men are not better than women in this regard. Rather, people’s emotions are influenced by their backgrounds, environment, and values. There are general rules that apply to emotional detachment. It categorizes them into toxic and healthy emotional detachment. Toxic Emotional Detachment Toxic emotional detachment is when a person fails to be empathetic. It can cause isolation as their relationships are mostly affected. They find it impossible to see things from another’s standpoint. Their self-absorbed attitude causes social isolation. A person who emotional detachment would: Show Disinterest In Intimacy While in a seemingly healthy relationship, they avoid being intimate. This happens because they feel disconnected and lack attraction for the person. Never Understanding Another Such individuals believe that point of view is always the best; there is no middle ground. People under this umbrella also fail to show empathy. Lack of Emotions Nothing bothers them. It doesn’t matter how they made someone else feel. There is always a disconnect and they fail to understand people’s grouses. Ignoring Emotions Instead of referring to the emotional implications of a situation they bring up intelligent discourses. This amplifies their lack of genuine intelligence in handling the social environment. Toxic Emotional Detachment Makes One Feel Isolated Since the beginning of time, humans have interacted. When one displays toxic emotional detachment, they fail to connect. This leaves them feeling alone. Feeling Worked Out Not letting out emotions leaves the mind burdened. Rather than share a problem, some people would bottle it up. Not asking for help also falls under this symptom. It stems from being afraid to share. Sometimes, it could be that they feel overconfident in their problem-solving ability. This isn’t the case with healthy emotional detachment. People on that spectrum are more open to sharing and they never feel alone. Healthy Emotional Detachment It is the opposite of emotional detachment. People who practice this can manage their emotions. They often see the need to de-escalate tension during heated arguments. Sometimes when they end relationships, they never burn bridges. Their excuses for being detached are usually valid and they are honest about it. Also, they can maintain healthy relationships. A healthy emotional detachment would only lead to a healthier and happier life. This can be seen in the way people: Set boundaries To avoid stress in a relationship, people can detach emotionally, but still set boundaries. Practice Self Care A healthy emotional detachment calls for change in a person’s lifestyle. Looking out for what’s best for one’s self helps to know when to detach emotionally. At such a time being with a support group can also help. This is because being around people helps cushion the effect of the disconnection. Healthy Emotional Detachment Does Not Affect Communication There is never a problem with stating their feelings. This also clarifies their stance on an issue. At the same time, the other person is fully aware of the disconnection. Final Note Detaching emotionally comes with problems that could arise due to childhood trauma, rejection, and loss. But learning how to share these problems can help a person. Accepting that there’s a problem makes it easier to attack it. However, it is important to know the right time to detach emotionally. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

5 Reasons Why Giving Back Is Essential For Personal Growth


For years, researchers have tried to understand if true giving exists. This is not pointing to the act of extending a helping hand. Instead, they look at how a person who gives also receives. In that light, would a person still give if there’s no hope to receive? What Giving Entails Of course, benevolence is not only about finances. It involves time, advice, commitment, and friendship. Additionally, it involves the act of sacrificing something on behalf of others. So regardless of the debate, benevolence requires parting away with something. A giver should not necessarily expect a prize, but there are benefits attached to a display of kindness. 5 Reasons Giving Might Be Self-Rewarding Giving must not be a proportional exchange between two parties. The best way to give is by expecting nothing in return. Therein is it a self-rewarding act. Many have also come to realize that giving is beneficial and invaluable. See below, for other reasons why giving is beneficial. It Influences Happiness Studies show that making self-sacrifices like random acts of kindness reduces depression symptoms. Being able to help the needy at a crucial time fosters happiness. It improves levels of dopamine and endorphin. Individuals practicing this act of love go on to live happier lives. They are fulfilled because their actions can impact another person’s life. This makes them purposeful and intentional. Meanwhile, their problem-solving skills are also upgraded. Without a doubt, benevolence positively impacts people’s social behavior. Health Benefit For years a series of researches have connected giving and better physical health. The study indicates that kind-hearted people are healthier. On top of that, they are associated with less health issues. This in turn keeps them lively and they live longer. It Makes People Feel Positive Since kindness is channeled to solving a problem, a giver tackles challenges better. Even in the face of adversity, a giver sees a positive end and solution. For them, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. For neighborhoods that practice this kind of act, there is more love shown than crimes seen. In addition to that, it promotes trust, loyalty, and cooperation within society. Giving Helps The Mental Health Apart from having a fulfilled life including positive physical health, it impacts the mind. People who give often feel more confident in decision-making. They are also self-sufficient, and mostly self-reliant. Ultimately, this reduces their chances of being influenced by negative values. Their ability to proffer solutions keeps their minds free from worries and sadness. It Promotes Gratitude An ungrateful person is typically privy to the negative side of things. They fail to count their blessings and are surrounded by gloominess. But a giver expresses gratitude. Their acts of kindness are influenced by how they view the helpless. Final Note In the end, several benefits show why giving is important. It is an act that should be carried out from the heart. When it’s done sincerely, it fosters inner peace and spreads love. Do it because of genuine care. This act of kindness should not be about what is gotten in return. Its benefits become obvious sooner than you think. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

Does A Business Loan Affect Personal Credit? Here’s The Truth


Personal credit can influence business loans. Some financing companies demand credit scores as an eligibility marker. However, is this the case for personal loans? Does a business loan affect a person’s credit score and limit their ability to get a loan? The answer to this is two-sided. While it is possible, some factors may make it impossible. But first taking into consideration the creditor’s stance is crucial. So how exactly does it work? Business Loans May Affect Personal Credit In an instance where a personal guarantee is required, personal credit will play a part. When seeking funding in the US, a personal guarantee is important. This happens when there is no collateral at stake, especially for Small Business Administration. Such requirements call on the business owner to show their credit score. Once the lenders are satisfied, the business loan is approved. For business owners with low credit scores, they may be unable to secure a loan. Using Personal Credit To Settle Business Debt This happens when business owners turn to alternative means of settling debts. They may choose to use personal credit cards. Consequently, some financial institutions would want to see their credit score. If they have amassed critical debt, then their loans may be declined. Additionally, this goes to show that impressive personal credit has its benefits to business owners. While business loans can affect personal credit by the debts accrued. Business Loans—Zero Effect On Personal Credit There are situations where business loans do not affect personal credit. See instances below. When No Personal Guarantee Needed On the other hand, some business loans may never interfere with personal credit. To access business loans, one is asked to provide certain details. For loans requiring an Employer Identification Number, a personal guarantee isn’t needed. This is not the case when a Social Security Number needs to be submitted. This would require a personal guarantee. In essence, it ultimately needs a personal credit score. Using Invoice As Collateral Another scenario where a personal guarantee isn’t a big deal is invoice factoring. All the financing firm needs is unpaid invoices. This would serve as a collateral for business loans. Being a Big Firm For establishments such as limited liability companies, or S Corporations they need not worry. These firms protect the owners from losing assets when they hit rock bottom. This is where business loans have zero impact on personal credit scores. But for a one-man business, there is no such shield. So chances are that business loans are influenced by personal credit. Can Business Loans Cater To Personal Matters? Personal loans are supposed to attend to personal debts. But it can also help in small business funding. On the other hand, business loans should not be used for personal debts. While it can happen, such a move attracts different penalties. In an instance where an individual is caught, one of the severe punishments is termed “piercing a veil.” This means that a business owner has failed to separate business and personal loans. Such persons are at risk of losing personal assets. Final Note Be direct with the type of loan required. While business loans can handle personal demands, be sure of the business financing. In a case where it can affect personal credit, resist the urge to take it. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

Recession Survival: 5 Things You Should Never Do

When the GDP declines for two quarters back to back, recession is bound to occur. It is also characterized by an intense trickle in economic activity. For economies with recession, there is reduced demand from consumers. Such an economy is also faced with a high employment rate. During these times, people with investments are usually cautious. They hope to secure their investments through various means. It could mean retracting an investment scheme. But there are also key elements non-investors should know. Five Things On The Never-Do List During A Recession During a recession, one must be conscious of their financial decisions. One wrong move might crumble everything. Bad choices during a recession would be the following: Entering Into A New Debt It is never advisable to be in debt or take too many loans even when the economy is buoyant. But during such periods one can work and meet up with a repayment loan. During recession things are different. Many people lose their jobs. Such periods serve as a disadvantage as there is no means to repay the debt.If that student or car loan isn’t extremely important, do not take it. In a recession, debt acquisition is a setup for a financial crisis. Consequently, this affects finances and the individual’s mental health. Do Not Lose Your Job During A Recession Businesses lay off workers during a recession. But some people get lucky to retain their position with slashed pay. At this point, every task from an employer must not be taken with levity. Focus on keeping that job via performance and punctuality. Apart from keeping a job, recession isn’t a good time to leave a job. For someone nearing retirement, they could experience financial decline. So rather than check into retirement early, wait a bit. As explained earlier, leaving a job for any reason doesn’t cut it. For younger workers following a passion during a recession is not wise. If the workplace isn’t entirely against self-development, stay put. Passions can be pursued when funds are secured. Teaming Up to Co-Sign Just like accruing debt, this is also a financial flaw. In a stable economy, acting as a guarantor or co-signer can incur debt. In case the borrower falls short in payment, the co-signer is liable. Imagine taking such a risk during a recession. A co-signer can run into financial issues. Depending on the loan requirements, such a person could lose their job. Never An Adjustable Rate Mortgage For mortgage loans, people are offered — an adjustable rate mortgage or fixed rate mortgage. It is best to side with the latter. During recessions interest rates plunge. It only becomes higher as the economy picks up. People on ARM do not get a fair deal as the rates fluctuate. But for a person on a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rates remain the same. Lock Up Risky Investments During Recession In very few instances risky business moves yield overwhelming success. Still, never consider gambling during a recession. A business owner must be extra careful. Their decisions may make or mar their business. So this is not a time to invest unwisely due to populations. While borrowing may be inviting during a recession, avoid it at all costs. Since demands are low at this point, it could affect the business revenue. Hence, making it difficult to pay back that seemingly inviting loan when the economy picks up. Final Note Recession can be beneficial as it teaches one how to strategize. Such strategies include developing a screw business sense and setting achievable budgets. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

Business Loans VS Personal Loans: Differences You Need To Know


Both are loans, but business loans and personal loans are entirely different. No one is more important than the other. But it is crucial to know that they have peculiar features. As it takes different means to access any of them. While personal loans may be unsecured and are accessible to all, business loans are restricted. Plus there is also a lot at stake when processing business loans. What To Expect With A Business Loan Business loans have no other definition apart from it being funding for a business purpose. More people are involved in this type of loan. It could be a board of directors, a sole proprietor, and a guarantor. Whatever way, this type of loan requires different standards for a company to be eligible. A Huge Amount Often Required Since it is to cover the cost of a business, banks can offer millions. In the US, a company can get around $ 2 million in Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. It all depends on the maximum amount the bank can disburse. Payment Plan Is Extended Business loan debtors have the chance to pay after years of securing the loan. Some get up to a twenty-five-year repayment plan. Loans Don’t Come on Time Due to the amount in question, it could take weeks or months before a business loan is processed. It also depends on whether the business is eligible for it. It Takes A Lot To Be Eligible Qualification processes are based on the creditor’s policy. Most times businesses with low credit scores or zero loan history find it difficult to secure loans. What To Expect With A Personal Loan The opposite of business loans is personal loans. This is usually for self-needs. It can take care of personal needs and small business funding. Such loans aren’t restricted to just personal purposes, unlike business loans. Speedy Funding There is usually no need to wait for months or weeks. A personal loan can be credited almost immediately. A person can receive funds even from the comfort of their home. Instant Approval Since it takes less data and requirements, personal loans often scale through the approval process. However, some lenders go through a rigid registration process. But in the end, the loan is mostly approved. In a case where a person’s score credit is low, their loan might be affected. It could be a reduced amount compared to what was requested. Tough on Interest Rate Credit scores can be affected if the due date for repayment isn’t adhered to. Most personal loans come with crippling interest rates. But with constant application and repayment, the interest rates lessens. Final Note Irrespective of the purpose of the loan, repayment is very important. This would not only boost the borrower’s score but influence their chances for a higher loan. However, do not forget that it takes different procedures to secure a business and personal loan. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

The Most Common Year for Divorce In Marriages


Divorces are never planned. Well, at least that is what two people who believed their marriage would last think. But sometimes, life happens and couples need to go their separate ways. It could be that the couple fell out of love. Another reason could be that one party failed to keep to their vows. Whatever the case, divorce seemed like the right answer. Regardless of when people divorce, studies have shown that there is a time frame with a high possibility of divorce. The Year Couples Split The Most Reports have it that in the US, about 50% of first marriages end in divorce. As for second marriages, there is a 60% failure rate. Meanwhile, for third marriages, 73% of such unions fail. Somehow these couples have one thing in common — a particular year or period when it fails! There are two different years when divorce can happen and it has been proven. It is usually between the second and third years of marriage. Those in the seventh and eighth years are also on this scale. Statistics show that one common reason for such is “The Seventh Year Itch.” According to this theory, a couple’s interest in commitment begins to dwindle. This happens after seven years of marriage. Furthermore, this theory shows that most first marriages end after eight years. While second marriages manage to reach the seventh year. When Is Divorce Less Likely? Still on “The Seventh Year Itch” theory, once a couple goes through it successfully, they are safe. That is not to say that couples with longer years cannot divorce. But the reality of such happening becomes thinner as the years go by. From year nine to year fifteen, most couples settle into their marriages. At this point, there is stable commitment and satisfaction from the relationship. Additionally, they would have achieved a few of their life goals too. This includes a good job, home, and kids. While this is a tested theory, some couples divorce after fifteen years and before they reach the first year. Reasons Couple Divorce There are different reasons a couple may decide to go their different ways. See the list below. They Realize They Want Different Things The ‘a-ha’ moment for some couples leads them to divorce. It could be that they grew into a different person with different goals. It could be an issue stirred by relocating out of town. Sometimes a wife would prefer to not move often considering the kids. While a husband would want to pursue his career in a new town. Infidelity/Cheating This is a deal breaker for most homes. Some couples never repair their marriage once the trust is broken. Studies in America say that more men are likely to cheat than women. Around 20% to 40% of men would be unfaithful in their romance. While 20% to 25% of women also fall into this category. Lack Of Connection Leads To Divorce Having kids, and issues like getting a job far away from home can cause constraints in romances. Some couples never get a hang of it which leads to their divorce. Instead of building the connection, they get easily distracted. Financial Woes This is one of the most common forces against marriages. A couple’s tough time with no money leads to stress. This in turn tells on their level of empathy and love for each other. Final Note Whatever the case, divorce is not a death sentence. However, let it be the last resort. Try to reignite that spark and remember the good times shared. Then maybe that marriage can escape divorce. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

American Rapper Rich Homie Quan Confirmed Dead


Unfortunately, at 34, Rich Homie Quan has joined the long list of legendary dead rappers. The Atlanta native died in his own home on September 5. According to sources, his girlfriend contacted emergency services. She explained that the rapper’s heartbeat had stopped. Quan was reportedly unconscious when his girlfriend found him. He began foaming in his mouth when she tried changing this position. Rich Homie Quan’s Tragic Demise An exclusive report by TMZ reveals that a 911 call was made on Thursday, Saturday 5, 2024. Sadly, despite the arrival of the medics, the rapper did not survive. His family is yet to grasp the reality of his death. Sources disclose that it is a heartbreaking time for them. Meanwhile, his family wants to know why he died. But till this point, the coroner’s office hasn’t released the cause of death. Nothing is speculated until the scheduled autopsy for Friday. Who Was Rich Homie Quan? Rich Homie Quan was a notable Atlanta born-and-bred rapper. But before jumping into the rap scenery, he spent time behind bars. In 2011, he was locked up for fifteen months. According to the Atlanta native, his crimes were strictly burglaries. Amid doing jail time, Quan put that all behind him and decided to focus on his talent. His first successful track titled “Type of Way” was released in 2013. The rapper did not slow down as he continued to churn out creative music. In 2015, the rapper dropped the “Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)” anthem. Noticing the reception from fans, the entertainer signed a deal with Cash Money Records. Together with Young Thug. They dominated the “Rich Gang” project. While making music, Quan also established connections with other top stars. On his list were 2 Chainz, Gucci Mane, Jacquees, and Trinidad James. Friends & Fans React To The Rapper’s Death Like his family, fans are finding it hard to believe the tragedy. Online many poured out their grief, following a post via XXL Magazine’s X timeline. Some fans pledged loyalty to the deceased, adding that his music will live on. Others posted condolences. However, a few fans already believed that Quan died from an overdose. A commenter made a list of rappers who died from drug use. It included Juice WRLD, DMX, Cooling, Big Scar, Lil Peep, and Rich Homie Quan. For fellow artists, it was all about grieving for their homie. Quavo, 2 Chainz, and Jacquees touched on the tragedy online. 2 Chainz shared: “Dam lil brother, we just spoke about shooting a video, special prayer for you and your family, and pray for any and everybody that’s dealing with something my condolences bru.” Meanwhile, Quavo mentioned that he never expected Rich Homie Quan’s death. Jacquees declared his lifelong love for the deceased while addressing him as a “legend.” Final Note At 34, the rapper was able to build a legacy through his music and career. On top of that, Quan had a good relationship with family and friends. Following his demise, many of his contemporaries displayed genuine care and sadness. #Clique, what are your thoughts?

Mastering Life’s Challenges: Proven Techniques to Help You Thrive in Difficult Times


Life isn’t always perfect, as challenges are bound to occur. Since it is never planned, not many recover fully from such situations. However, having the proper mindset can help one get back on their feet. In times of challenges, humans often subscribe to their beliefs. Their perspective on things is what keeps them going. It could be religious, social, or cultural. What matters is steering away from the difficult harbor. How To Navigate Life’s Challenges Irrespective of a person’s religious, cultural, or social standing, these pointers offer relief. They include: Choose Quality and Never Quantity Racking up more may seem like the next best thing. But sometimes, less is more. This is because time spent doing more can be exhausting. But with less, one can prioritize quality human output with no stress at all. Apart from deeds, this cuts across various areas of life. To easily manage life’s challenges, be simple. Simplify things, in speech, demeanor, and fashion. Let the details convey something relatively basic, but solid. Relax, Life’s Good Some of life’s challenges may be crushing, but life does go on. The true essence of living is to live to the fullest. Instead of getting beat up and activating all atoms of seriousness, take things slow. Accept that mistakes happen and live in the moment. This would bring ease and comfort to one’s decision-making. Laugh when necessary. Love freely and unconditionally. Separate Person From Behavior People react differently to matters based on their emotions. But automatically condemning a person due to a character flaw is unacceptable. Their reaction should be called what it is, not them. To thrive in times of difficulty, learn to address matters objectively. Be direct with criticism and never judge based on one event. Let Go Of The Baggage Controlling time is impossible just as controlling events without flaws. Accepting situations that cannot be changed can help balance out life’s challenges. Rather than be immersed in deep thinking, leave all the worries behind. Think about the present and allow the future to set its course. Have Standards Create standards for every relationship. Be firm with the set of values friends or acquaintances must possess. As for relatives, they are not chosen, so create boundaries. Let there be respect for time and people must apologize when wrong. Being surrounded by individuals with the right values would influence one during difficulties. Be Tolerant A person’s tolerance threshold must be high or at least average. People with zero tolerance levels get hit by life’s challenges the most. It is always impossible for them to connect because everyone is a bother. In time of need, they find it difficult to establish contact as many bridges would have been burnt. Being more accepting of people’s flaws makes one socially intelligent. It doesn’t matter what someone has done. A smart person knows how to act maturely. Rather than get consumed by emotions, let them go or address them briefly. This would also usher in a surge of self-happiness. Final Note Being happy amidst life’s challenges is a blessing, but it takes a level of consciousness. However, it’s best to put in the work as it outlays the risks. #Clique, what are your thoughts?