16-Year-Old Loses Testicle While Reaching Down To Retrieve Golf Ball, According To Reports

Steven Shircliff/ Unsplash

Sadly, a boy, who was merely 16 years old lost one of his testicles after bending down to retrieve a golf ball, reports a case study from Urology Case Reports

According to the report, the teen experienced a tragic incident after one of his testicles rescinded inside of him as he reached down, Complex reported. Following the encounter, he admitted that he experienced


discomfort in his genital area while leaning

“over to retrieve a golf ball.”

When he checked his private areas, he learned that his left testicle was gone. 

The unidentified teen was later checked into a Salt Lake City hospital due to experiencing

“ongoing mild abdominal pain with persistent nausea.”

Once he was given pain relievers, a CT scan was administered and it was found that his left testicle

“had moved up the canal from his scrotum and almost reached his abdomen,”

reports Complex. Luckily, it was still intact; however, he experienced a

“testicular ascent.”

His medical history showed that he had a retractile left testis for five years. If you’re unaware, this means that a testicle voyages

“back and forth between the scrotum and the groin.”

Medical experts were able to retrieve his testicle back into his scrotum by utilizing surgical tools and

“surgically anchored” the testicle “to the scrotum using nonabsorbable suture.” 

The cause of the shocking incident was due to his patent processus vaginalis, which means that the route between the teen’s scrotum and abdomen didn’t fully close during growth in the womb.  

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