3 Proven Strategies to Build a Healthy Relationship with Money

Relationship with money
Image Source:Kuncheek/Pexels

Money troubles are big troubles. They can ruin work, romantic, and other relationships. However, money is necessary to enjoy life and fulfill one’s purpose. Thus, everyone is in a race to get as much as possible. However, it is amazing that no amount will ever be enough, regardless of how much you have. Still, it is possible to live well with whatever you have as long as you have a healthy relationship with money. Hence, your aim should be to learn how to use what you have to get what you need. In this article, you will find three proven strategies to help you build a healthy relationship with money.

Factors That Influence Your Relationship With Money

Much of people’s attitude toward money stems from their background. Nurturing plays a huge role in shaping people’s attitudes toward money and driving their financial decisions. Thus, they may be prudent or frivolous in their spending habits. People will also spend money on what they consider most important. A comic addict will spend on comic books, an alcoholic will invest in drinks, an addict will see money as a tool for getting hard drugs, and a person who values education will likely save towards college.

Information is another factor that can affect your relationship with money. Money shapes people’s perceptions of success and discipline. Hence, whatever information is available to you forms the bedrock for your actions with money. If you have debts or staggering bills to pay or a plan for the future, you are more likely to spend responsibly. Financially literate friends may also help your relationship with money. These factors can shape your relationship with money and determine how you spend, save, and invest.

Strategies to Build a Healthy Relationship with Money

Change Your Mindset

A positive mindset toward money will help you cultivate a healthy relationship with money. Your mindset dictates your financial decisions unconsciously. If you have a scarcity mindset, you may be extremely frugal or miserly. On the other hand, you can also be irresponsible with your spending habits. A healthy mindset sees money as a tool for fulfilling your dreams and helps you balance prudence and extravagance. This way, you can live life to the fullest, care for yourself often, and still be responsible.

Avoid Comparison

Comparison is a thief of joy. It blinds you from seeing your blessings and makes you focus on what you lack. When you wish you had more or try copying other people, you will only invest your money and time into unnecessary things. You may buy things you don’t need just because you want to fit in or compete. Rather, be grateful for what you have and ignore the noise around you. This way, you can manage your relationship with money properly.

Have Prudent Friends

The quality of your friends will have a great impact on your finances. Financially responsible friends can improve your relationship with money. They can encourage you to make prudent decisions, alert you to harmful money practices, and give you information to turn your finances around. Conversely, moving with spendthrifts can cause you to make bad money decisions. Therefore, choose your circle wisely so you can have a healthy relationship with money.

It can get overwhelming to always think about money and make financial plans. In times like that, take a break to avoid making mistakes. Thankfully, your relationship with money can always get better. You just need to be grateful, stop comparisons, avoid financially irresponsible friends, and cultivate a positive attitude toward money.

#Clique, what is your relationship with money like? How do you ensure you don’t overspend on things? Let us know in the comments.

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