Arsonists Accidentally Set Themselves On Fire While Attacking A Business, Reports Say 


Shocking footage has come forth of two reported arsonists in California setting fire to themselves during

“an attack on a business,”

according to FOX. One arsonist was heard screaming


while attempting to flee the scene. The incident occurred on Monday morning at Servicio de Imigracion in Bakersfield, which is a company that offers naturalization and immigration assistance. 

The video reveals two unnamed masked suspects. In the footage, the two individuals are seen tossing gasoline on the business. When one of them leaned in to torch the gasoline, the rapid fire seemed to surprise them both as the business wasn’t the only thing that was set on fire. Both suspects were seen running away and one suspect was heard screaming


Luckily, the fire was put out about 10 mins following the first responders’ arrival, reports 23ABC. Max Solorzano, the owner of the business told the news outlet that Bakersfield has to put more effort into protecting locals. 

“They have to work harder in that aspect, in keeping the community safe. We are a small business and we help many people, so there will be people who will not be able to receive our services due to inactivity.” 

“That is what most saddens. We help many farmworker families with their immigration processes, we help people do taxes. We ask our clients to have patience with us, we will get through this,”

Solorzano continued. 

The motive behind the attack isn’t clear. The suspects are still at large. 

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