Couple Beheaded Themselves With Homemade Guillotine As Sacrifice, Left Two Children Behind

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ David von Diemar

Sadly, a husband and wife from India simontenously committed suicide after beheading themselves over the weekend by utilizing a homemade guillotine. According to the New York Post, the guillotine was positioned in a way where their heads rolled into a fire alter. Reports added that the act was allegedly made as a form of human sacrifice. 

38-year-old Farmer Hemubhai Makwana and his wife, 35-year-old Hansaben Makwana carried out the suicide between Saturday and Sunday in the village of Vinchiya, reports The Post. 

The Hindustan Times reported that Indrajitsinh Jadeja, Vinchiya police sub-inspector said,

“The couple first prepared a fire altar before putting their heads under a guillotine-like mechanism held by a rope. As soon as they released the rope, an iron blade fell on them, severing their heads, which rolled into the fire.” 

Unfortunately, the couple’s children discovered their torsos when they returned home from visiting their uncle. The children, ages 12 and 13, were sent to see their uncle in a village nearby the day before they discovered their parents. The Times of India reported that officials discovered a note that said they committed suicide and it was no one’s fault as to why they took their lives. In the note, the parents also pleaded for relatives to take care of their children and parents. 

Reports added that the couple was praising the God Shiva, a main deity of Hinduism, every day at a temple they prepared on their property. Jayanti Jatapara, Hansaben’s cousin, said that the couple was in good standing and didn’t face any financial hardships before their deaths. 

The incident is being investigated as an accident. 

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