Father Legally Changes His Gender To Female To Gain Custody Of His Young Daughters, Says The Justice System Benefits Mothers In Custody Cases

Reports have been circulating of a father legally modifying his gender to try and get custody of his two daughters after an unfriendly split from his wife. The 47-year-old father, René Salinas Ramos, is now registered as a female on legal documents in Ecuador, although he truly identifies as a cisgender male. 

The father decided to legally alter his gender because the justice system in his country favors mothers when it comes to custody cases. The father told a local news outlet,

“Being a father in this country, Ecuador, is punished and I’m only seen as a provider. What I have been looking for is to give the love and protection that a mother can give her children.”

The father went on to say that his two young daughters reside in an abusive setting with their mother and admitted that he hasn’t seen his children in over five months. 

 “The laws say that the one who has the right is the woman. As of this moment, I am female. Now I’m also a mom, that’s how I consider myself….I am very sure of my sexuality. What I have sought is that I want to be a mother, so that I can also give the love and protection of a mother.”

Despite his pure intentions, activists throughout the country who battled hard to have the rule changed for genuine trans residents have grown angry with the father’s actions. The Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organizations condemned Ramos’ pursuits. Diane Rodríguez, national director of the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organizations, told Vice World News,

“This man’s private matter, to obtain custody of his daughters, isn’t the spirit of the law.”

Rodríguez continued,

“we are afraid that in the Assembly things will go backwards and they will start legislating against us.”

However, the legal battle between Ramos and the mother of children continues. 

“Until this matter is resolved, [the children] have to stay with their mother. The law is taking away our right to be parents. [Changing my official documents] is a proof of love,”

Ramos said, reports Jams Press. 

#Clique, is this dad wrong? 

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