Homeless Man Faces Up To 10 Years In Prison For Stealing Clothes To Stay Warm, According To Reports

Grant Durr/Unsplash

A man who is homeless will possibly serve up to 10 years in prison after breaking and entering a garage in Michigan to steal clothes for warmth, reports The Daily Reporter. The incident occurred last November. The homeless man, 31-year-old Terry Krumwiede, was sentenced to 1.5 to 10 years following the crime. 

The outlet reports,

“As a second offender, Circuit Judge Bill O’Grady sentenced him Monday, March 5, as a second offender to 18 months to six years in prison for larceny in a building. He will serve 18 months to 10 years for possession of meth.” 

Krumwiede went to Michigan three years ago at the beginning of the pandemic. Sadly, he lost his job working as a kitchen manager and later became homeless and began smoking meth. Back in Feb. 2022, the 31-year-old was sentenced to 10 months for possessing drugs. 

“He was only out for a few months before he committed this new crime,”

said Zack Stempien, the prosecutor. 

His public attorney, Terri Norris, argued that his friends influenced him to do drugs and requested for him to only serve 12 months in prison and then have him sent to a drug program. 

“My client has a drug addiction. Through my 20 years in the court system, I would have to say Mr. Krumwiede is probably one of my best candidates for rehabilitation,”

said Norris. 

However, the prosecutor brought up his past convictions. 

The homeless man said,

“I think given the right tools and accessories I can better my life. I fell on hard times when I got out of the army.”

#Clique, what are your thoughts? 


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