Kym Whitley Denied Rumors Of Threesome With Mo’Nique & Gerald Levert, Says ‘This Is Not True’

Kym Whitley/Twitter

There was a rumor going around about a threesome involving Kym Whitley, Gerald Levert, and Mo’Nique. However, Kym Whitley has denied these claims. 

The rumor started when a media outlet reported that Kym Whitley talked about it in an interview on a radio show. According to the media outlet, Kym was dating Gerald Levert and then got involved with Mo’Nique. They allegedly had a wild night together and even broke a bed. This story spread on social media, but Kym Whitley clarified that it was not true. 

The actress said,

“As funny as the idea of this story is, this is NOT TRUE. Total fabrication! I would usually laugh at a story like this, but anyone that knows me, knows how special Gerald LeVert was to me …so I had to debunk this tabloid tale. #false #funny #nottrue.”

She explained that while she did date Gerald Levert, there was no threesome with Mo’Nique. 

The radio show host, Uptown Angela, who was mentioned also confirmed that the interview never happened. She said,

“So according to I interviewed Kym Whitley today and she spilled big TEA about an alleged threesome between her, Gerald Levert & MONIQUE…the blog says during this rendevouz, THE BED BROKE!!! WTH? This interview NEVER happened!!! Is this April Fool MTO???”

Mo’Nique has not commented on the rumor and sadly, Gerald Levert passed away back in 2006, so he is unable to address the allegations.

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