Man Confessed To Raping and Killing Former Girlfriend’s 12-Year-Old Daughter and Hiding Body Freezer

Lancaster DA

A man from Pennsylvania reportedly confessed to killing and raping his former girlfriend’s daughter, Elaina Smith, who was merely 12 years old. According to the New York Post, prosecutors say 39-year-old Jason Shackelford hid the young girl’s body in a freezer. 

Shackelford admitted to the fatal attack after officials responded to disruption between him and Smith’s mother at a Lancaster hotel last Friday, says the Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office. He reportedly informed officials that he assaulted and killed Smith at her home last Wednesday evening while her mother was at work. The mother told officials that she and Shackelford were in the midst of a breakup and she told him to move from their home. 

When Smith’s mother got home from work the next morning, Shackelford told her that he abducted her daughter and took her to New York where he promised she’ll be safe. The mother told police that her ex then assaulted and raped her as he forced her to go to the Wyndham Lancaster Hotel, a nearby hotel. Reports say he used her daughter’s safety and well-being as an influence. When they got to the hotel, he reportedly raped her once more and let her go outside to smoke a cigarette. While she was outside she requested for hotel staff to contact the police. 

The man then confessed to murdering the young girl after he was arrested. During a search of the home, they sadly found Smith’s remains in the basement freezer. Autopsy results revealed she pass away from strangulation. 

Shackelford has been charged with criminal homicide and more charges may be added on as the investigation continues. Reports say Shackelford is a registered sex offender.

#Clique, let’s keep Elaina’s mother and family in our thoughts and prayers! 

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