Man Sentenced To 100 Years Behind Bars After Fatally Stabbing Co-Worker Who Stole His Lunch

A 25-year-old Virginia man, Bazn Berhe, has been sentenced to decades behind bars after killing a fellow co-worker for stealing his lunch from the staff refrigerator at Target, per Fox News
Tim Hüfner/ Unsplash

A 25-year-old Virginia man, Bazn Berhe, has been sentenced to decades behind bars after killing a fellow co-worker for stealing his lunch from the staff refrigerator at Target, per Fox News. Reports say Berhe was sentenced to 100 years; however, received a 30-year suspension, which translates to 70 years in prison, said Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney. 

The 25-year-old fatally stabbed and assaulted 58-year-old Hernan Leiva in the Target parking lot back in 2021, which led to him being charged with first-degree murder. Reports noted that Leiva was upset that the man, who was a janitor at the corporation, took his lunch from the refrigerator 3 days prior.

The murder was premeditated. Reports noted that once his lunch was stolen, he planned the attack. He later bought a knife and told officials after he purchased the knife, he trained for the murder the following day. On April 17, he killed his co-worker after waiting for Leiva in the parking lot. Berhe admitted to the murder and pleaded guilty back in October 2023. 

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