Man Sentenced To 3 Years Behind Bars For ’Recklessly’ Infecting Woman With HIV 14 Years Ago

Cheshire Constabulary

39-year-old Jermaine Scott from Jamaica has been sentenced to three years behind bars after


giving HIV to a British woman 14 years ago, reports Fox. Scott appeared in court in the U.K. on Tuesday. Reports say the man previously pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm. 

Scott was diagnosed with HIV back in 2005 and was placed on meds that could stop him from transferring HIV to other people. Reports say he and the woman revived their relationship in the summer of 2009. When the relationship rekindled, Scott wasn’t taking his medication, which meant that the chances of him transmitting his condition were high. Scott also didn’t tell the woman that he was diagnosed with HIV and had unprotected sex with her. 

The woman became suspicious of his actions and the pair went to a sexual health clinic in October 2009, where the man distributed fake medical details and a fake name to the worker. The woman tested positive for HIV, and the relationship ended. After the relationship ended Scott left the area. 

Scott was apprehended in Feb 2011 after the incident was reported to the Chesire Constabulary in Oct 2009. The man chose not to answer any questions asked by officials and although officers conducted a thorough investigation, they were unable to gather enough evidence to charge him in connection to the incident. The case was later closed. In Nov 2011, Scott was deported from the U.K. after officials learned he was illegally residing there. 

Not too long after Scott was deported, the woman asked for the case to be reopened. Investigators managed to gain cooperation from medical experts who said that it’s extremely likely that the woman was infected with HIV three months prior to her diagnosis, during her relationship with Scott.

In 2019, more evidence was illustrated to the Crown Prosecution Service. The service later charged Scott with bodily harm in Feb 2020 and he was then extradited to the U.K. in Nov 2022 to be charged.

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