Mother Charged After Reportedly Shooting 17-Year-Old Son After Arguing Over Video Game

Igor Karimov/ Unsplash

A mother, Jaquana Butler, is facing charges after reportedly shooting her teen son following an alleged argument between the two, which occurred on Thursday. According to WSB-TV, the teen is in the hospital. 

Officials were called to an Atlanta apartment where they discovered a 17-year-old who was shot several times. He was later transported to a hospital. There haven’t been any updated reports on his condition. The 34-year-old mother has been identified as the person behind the gun.

Reports say that the mother and son got into a verbal disagreement over a

“video game console”

causing her to grab a firearm and shoot the teen. She was later apprehended and charged with aggravated assault, reckless conduct, and cruelty to children. 

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