Mother Outraged After School Ignored Bully Who Threatened To Shoot Her Daughter In TikTok Video

Ivan Aleksic/Unsplash

A mother from Florida, Trisha Brown, is battling her child’s old school after she claims that the school failed to remove a pupil who threatened to shoot her daughter in a TikTok video. Brown said that the student was allowed to stay in the Blake Academy classroom and her child was scared to return to class. According to the New York Post, school officials

“threatened the mom with trespassing charges when she continued to complain.” 

The TikTok video that was created last month showed photos of Brown’s 11-year-old daughter, the alleged taunter, and two other students placed on an image of a school’s hallway. Utilizing subtitles and generated voices, the daughter is shown mandating money from the taunter, who says  

“I said I ain’t giving up nothing,”

shortly before a picture of a water gun emerges under her face. After words were swapped, gunshot sounds began to ring as children were heard screaming. A skull emoji then appeared on Brown’s daughter’s face as her photo then overturned. 

The antagonizing student also told Brown’s daughter that she would target her mom and

“beat her a-s,”

Brown said. The mother said she was made aware of the video and requested for the student to be removed from the class; however, her demand was declined. Brown expressed what occurred at the Polk County School Board meeting last week informing people that the alleged antagonist was allowed to remain in class as her daughter stayed home scared. 

Brown said,

“No mother should have to fight this hard to have her child protected. And I hope with all the noise I’m making that no mom has to fight this hard again.”

The district later released a statement insinuating that they couldn’t discipline the other student because the incident occurred off school grounds. School officials investigated the encounter and later determined that they didn’t discover any bullying history between the students. 

The mother contacted authorities and the State Attorney’s Office is investigating the case. Brown’s daughter won’t be returning to the school next year. 

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