Parents Voice Concerns After Third Grader Finds Gun In Bathroom: “We Found Out Through The News A Month Later”

Parents in Rising Star, Texas are furious after learning that a 3rd grader found a gun in the bathroom through the news, a month after the incident occurred, The Hill reported.

Last month, a nine-year-old student at Rising Star Elementary School went to the bathroom and discovered a firearm inside of a holster hanging from a stall. Without touching the weapon, the third grader notified a teacher, who reportedly told another student to verify his findings.

“So the teacher asked another kid, my son, ‘Can you go see if it’s a real gun,’” said Giovanni Mata, who recently moved his family to the area from Uvalde after a mass shooting occurred at a local elementary school, where his son attended. “Why would you send a kid? Why not send someone else?”

The firearm belonged to superintendent Robby Stuteville, who says that he and the school’s principal regularly open carry on the elementary school’s campus. He says that he had taken off the gun and placed it in a stall while using the restroom. It was found by a student 15 minutes later.

Local law enforcement say that they weren’t aware of the incident until recently. Rising Star Police Chief Don Braly confirmed an active investigation began Wednesday. “When that investigation is concluded the information and the facts, not rumors, will be turned over to the district attorney’s office,” Braly said.

Parents of the school student are enraged about being left in the dark about a firearm being found by a student. After learning about what had taken place, an emergency parents meeting was held.

“We, as parents, had to find out about it through the news a month later,” one parent explained. “It only makes the school seem like they have something to hide.”

No charges against Superintendent Stuteville have been filed, but the school county has announced that he has provided a letter of resignation.

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