Woman Arrested After Being Accused Of Abusing Boy When He Showed Up To School With ‘Missing Pieces Of Hair’

Grant Durr/Unsplash

Officials say a woman in Texas was apprehended on April 3 for allegedly abusing a young boy. The arrest came after the boy disclosed the violence that took place at home to his teachers. The woman is charged with injury to a child with intent to cause bodily harm, as stated by the Woodway Public Safety Department, reports Fort Worth Star-Telegram

According to police,

“detectives determined the young child had been the victim of several violent incidents ranging from being punched, hit with miscellaneous objects, and not being fed for long periods of time.” 

The woman’s connection to the child was not provided by authorities, but they confirmed that she was responsible for his care. To protect the child’s identity, McClatchy News has chosen not to disclose the woman’s name. The abuse was revealed when the boy, who had missing patches of hair, was at school and caught the attention of the staff. Reports noted he was weeping and  

“missing pieces of his hair.” 

The boy informed staffers that he was

“dragged to the bathroom by his hair,”

as well as

“forced to drink toilet water,”

officials say. 

Police said,

“Great work school personnel for noticing and moving this investigation forward.”

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