Woman Arrested After Fatally Shooting Boyfriend, Reportedly Said She Was Going To Gut Him Like ‘A Deer’


A woman from Florida, Brittany Holbrook, is being accused of murdering her boyfriend after allegedly threatening to slice him up like a deer, officials say, according to RadarOnline.com

Fox reported that the 33-year-old was apprehended after the fatal shooting of her boyfriend, Tyler Nulisch, 33. The shooting occurred in Key West, Florida

An arrest affidavit said that Holbrook went out with Nulisch’s friend, Jessica Stiegel, on June 15, just two days before the shooting. Stiegel says that Holbrook had multiple drinks and informed her that

“I’m going to kill him and take a knife into his stomach and rip upward to his throat like I’m gutting a deer.” 

Stiegel said that the pair

“seemed like the perfect couple”

and Holbrook was

“in love”

with Nulisch. Stiegel added that Nulisch’s personality altered after she would drink. 

Stiegel said,

“She seemed so normal most of the time but when she drank, she’d become a monster and a switch would flip, and she’d start screaming and throwing things and hitting Tyler.” 

On June 17, close to 3 a.m., the couple’s roommate was woken up by screams from Holbrook asking for help. The unnamed roommate later discovered Nulisch laying in blood. According to a police report, Nulisch said

“That b—- shot me in the back.” 

He later passed away from his wounds.

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