Woman Charged After Poisoning Cheesecake In Plot To Kill Look-Alike and Steal Her Identity, Officials Say

Viktoria Nasyrova (left) and Olga Tsvyk (right)/ Facebook

A woman from New York has allegedly given her look-alike poised cheesecake to try and kill her and possess her identity, according to prosecutors, reports the Miami Herald. The incident occurred when 47-year-old Viktoria Nasyrova of Brooklyn, went to the 35-year-old woman’s home, Olga Tsvyk, back in Aug. 2016. According to BBC, Tsvyk was Nasyrova’s beautician. 

Officials say both women looked alike as they had comparable physical appearances and both women spoke Russian. When Nasyrova arrived at her look-alike’s home she gave her cheesecake and not too long afterward, Tsvyk began to feel ill and later became unconscious. The victim’s last memory was witnessing the 47-year-old woman strolling around her home. 

When the victim left the hospital, she noticed that personal documents of value were missing, including her employment authorization card and passport.

 Homeland Security agents later learned the cheesecake contained poison in it after gathering and running tests of the cake’s remains in the cheesecake container. Phenazepam, a sedative, was put in the cheesecake.

“Nasyrova is a fugitive from Russia, wanted for the 2014 murder of a woman there,”

prosecutors said during a jury trial, reports CBS. After the trial, Nasyrova was declared guilty of multiple charges, which included attempted murder in the second-degree, and second-degree assault. The woman is set to be sentenced on March 21 as she can face up to 25 years behind bars. 

Melinda Katz, Queens District Attorney said,

“The jury saw through the deception and schemes of the defendant. She laced a slice of cheesecake with a deadly drug so she could steal her unsuspecting victim’s most valuable possession, her identity.”

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