Woman Sentenced To 12 Months After Killing and Eating Her Daughter’s Pet Hamster

Lincoln Crown Cour

A woman has been apprehended and sentenced to 12 months in jail after slicing up her pet hamster and eating it in disturbing footage shared online, reports the New York Post. Reports say 39-year-old Emma Parker claimed that she’s addicted to drugs. 

In a video uploaded to Facebook, the woman is seen murdering her daughter’s pet hamster, Mr. Nibbles, and viewers can hear laughing in the background of the footage. 

Gordon Holt, a prosecutor, said in Lincolnshire, England court,

“The two videos seen on social media showed the defendant with a hamster in a hamster ball.” 

Holt added,

“The defendant is holding the ball with a knife in the other hand. She takes the knife and plunges it through the opening of the ball moving the knife from side to side… A spectator is heard laughing and says, ‘You are a sick bastard you are.’”

The woman pleaded guilty to killing the pet and was charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. She admitted to killing and eating the hamster claiming that she was trying to aid in the hamster’s death after he was bitten by her dog. The UK Judge criticized the woman for cutting the pet in half and

“eating the two halves of the dissected hamster.”

Reports say the woman was influenced by a drug dealer as Parker has failed to reveal the name of the person who filmed the unhinged act. She explained,

“They are not nice people.”

Since the incident, Parker revealed that she has been harassed as she complained that people have vandalized her home and dog feces were smudged on her mailbox. However, the judge had no empathy when he sentenced her to 12 months and prohibited her from owning a pet for 15 years.

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