13-Year-Old Says He Survived An Alligator Attack By Repeatedly Punching The Reptile In The Head

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Balaji Malliswamy

A 13-year-old claimed he was attacked by an alligator while swimming in a Florida creek and fought the reptile off by repeatedly punching it in the head, Insider reported. 

Gabriel Klimis, told the Today Show that he often visits Howell Creek in Winter Springs, Florida, to go swimming with his brothers. However, on this particular trip, he found himself in a life-or-death situation with an alligator. 

Klimis said after using the rope swing to jump into the water, an alligator bit down on his right leg. Springing into action Klimis fought off the giant reptile, punching it multiple times

“on its head,”

he told Today. 

“I fell in the water, and the gator just kind of grabbed me from there,”

Klimis told the Today Show.

“Once he wrapped his jaws on me I knew there was no getting out.”

Klimis’s quick thinking strategy saved his life. The alligator released the boy from its jaws and he was able to swim to shore. Klimis reportedly went to a nearby house where he contacted his mom and 911. 

He was transported to the hospital where he received stitches for his wounds, Today reported. 

Florida Fish and Wildlife captured an eight-foot alligator in the same area of the attack, just days later. They say they are confident it’s the same reptile however,

“there’s no way to be certain,”

reports state. 

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