Airport Shootout Leaves Two Killed After Would-Be Robbers Attempt To Steal Over $32M in Cash From Plane

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Miguel Ángel Sanz

A security officer and an alleged robber were killed during a shootout at an airport in Chile, CBS News reported. The shooting occurred on Wednesday in what authorities described as an

“attempted heist”

of more than $32 million in cash that was on board a plane from Miami, FL

Authorities are still trying to figure out how 10 heavily armed robbers skated past security and bum-rushed the runway at Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport. The men were reportedly there to steal $32.5 million that had landed from Miami to Chile on a Delta flight. The money was set to be transferred to an armored truck, Interior Subsecretary Manuel Monsalve told the outlet.

The shootout ensued between the would-be robbers and security officials, resulting in the deaths of one of the assailants and Claudio Villar Rodriguez, 45, an employee of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, or DGAC.

“The brave action by the DGAC officials frustrated the robbery,”

said Interior Subsecretary Manuel Monsalve, who pointed out that the robbers were

“highly organized” and “very armed.”

The robbers quickly dispersed from the scene leaving two burned vehicles nearby.

“There was no risk to passengers,”

DGAC chief Raúl Jorquera told the outlet. 

He announced that the attempted robbery

“will undoubtedly lead us to revise processes, protocols that must be improved … it forces us to rethink many things,”

he said.

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