In a shocking incident in Middletown, Connecticut, a female police officer named Karli Travis found herself fighting for her life on August 12 when she was attacked by a man wielding a hammer. The attacker, who has since been identified as Winston Tate, apparently has a history of violence and had previously targeted other police officers in separate incidents.
When Travis responded to a noise complaint call in Middletown, she had no idea that she would face such a life-threatening situation. Upon her arrival, she was confronted by Winston Tate, a 52-year-old man armed with a hammer. Without any warning, Tate charged at Travis, striking her with the weapon and knocking her to the ground. To make matters worse, he then climbed on top of her and continued his brutal assault. In the midst of this violent struggle, Detective Travis made a split-second decision to fire her weapon in self-defense.
Although Tate was not seriously harmed by the shots, Travis’s actions allowed her to retreat to safety while he returned to his home. She was eventually able to apprehend him and bring him into custody once additional backup arrived. As a result of this horrifying incident, a judge has set Tate’s bond at $500,000 and charged him with multiple offenses.