Doctors Shocked After Discovering Octopus In Patient’s Throat

Serena Repice Lentini/Unsplash

Doctors were shocked after learning that an octopus was the cause of an unidentified man’s throat pain. According to the New York Post, doctors discovered that the eight-legged octopus was surprisingly stuck in his throat. The unnamed man realized there was an issue when he began to vomit after consuming a meal that contained the cephalopod, which is an entity of the molluscan class which includes octopus, squid, and more. 

The man also had issues swallowing causing him to go to the hospital. Officials conducted a scan that showcased a dense view of his esophagus. Luckily, medical experts were able to extract the octopus after guiding

“an endoscope past the octopus into the stomach and retroflexed it,”

reports The Post. Reports added,

“They then used forceps to grasp the critter’s head and remove it from the patient.” 

Thankfully, the man had a successful recovery following the procedure

According to the medical team,

“The ‘push technique’ is the primary method recommended with high success rates, however applying excessive force can cause esophageal perforation.” 

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