Living for yourself isn’t a bad idea, even if you love to give. You must first learn how to treat yourself before you can truly and fully give out love, kindness, and acts of service. This has nothing to do with selfishness. But living for yourself is a way to refuel your burned energy, especially if there is a pressing need to show up when required. Failure to live for yourself would lead to depression and frustration.
Knowing How To Slow Down To Live For Yourself
You only live once, so why not make it worthwhile even when trying to help others? Here’s how to live for yourself, according to AConsciousRethink.
Have an Honest Conversation About Motives
It is important to tell yourself the truth. Shut out the outside noise and praise for doing good to others. Ask yourself if you need to exert yourself on another person’s behalf or merely do it for applause. If the latter is the answer, then you had better begin to put yourself first instead.
Never Confuse Living For Yourself As Being Selfish
Since you are only useful to others when healthy and in the right frame of mind, it is also necessary to think of yourself first. Treat yourself nicely, look and smell nice, eat healthy, and have a good exercise routine.
Consider Prioritizing Yourself
This is a number one factor for some new moms. You tend to cater to your newborn’s every sound when, in fact, you should be resting. While this is a common thing, it isn’t a healthy practice. Whenever there is an opportunity for rest, grab it. Schedule spa dates or soak yourself in the tub while sipping on a glass of wine. This practice shouldn’t be reserved for birthdays or date time with your spouse. After all, what good is your breakdown for anyone?
Know When To Give Up
Giving up caring to focus on yourself isn’t evil. It will teach the other person to respect your presence more. In this case, trying to handle everything for your child, not doing anything at all can improve their independence.
Have A Routine
You can live for yourself most effectively by having a plan. In this schedule, you outline what to do and ensure you create time for rest. Additionally, you can delegate your responsibilities to your kids, especially age-appropriate chores.
If you have a partner, learn to communicate with them so that they can share your burden. Never feel like you are a superhuman who doesn’t deserve to live how you want. But understand that everything good in life requires discipline and proper planning.
#Clique, what do you think about prioritizing yourself?