How To Break Free From Heartbreak Woes

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“It’s not me; it’s you.” This is one of the biggest lies in human history, especially when it comes to love. It’s a line used by those who still feel some sense of compassion for soon-to-be exes. Regardless of how or when it comes, a breakup is always challenging. Receiving unexpected breakup news can plunge you into depression and adversely affect you.

Ironically, a breakup can only mean two things, regardless of who initiated it. Firstly, you have saved yourself from future hurt, and secondly, you will soon enter a new phase of romance. But while dealing with the aftermath of a breakup, you may find this guide helpful.

Guide to Breaking Free From Heartbreak Woes

It is never easy to stop thinking about that person who promised you the world and said things would last forever. You have recently discovered that “forever” has a completely different meaning to them. Frankly speaking, one can lose their mind dwelling on past feelings and become deprived of what lies ahead. However, the following steps can guide you in navigating heartbreak in the best possible way.

Set Aside a Grieving Period

Losing someone you love, even if it’s not due to death but because they chose someone else, can be as painful as the former. So, yes, your feelings of worry and constant sobs are necessary for a certain period. It only means you are processing the transition, but try not to dwell on it too long. In the words of Tess Brigham, a therapist and life coach, “It’s okay to feel sad one day, mad the next, in denial the day after, and back to feeling sad again.”

Avoid Social Media Stalking

There is always an urge to know how your ex is faring without you but resist the temptation. It will only lead to further depression. Revisiting the happy times you shared online by stalking your ex’s page is pointless.

Be honest with yourself about how you feel. You may still have feelings but try to block the person for a while or even permanently. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for leaving them in the past, especially not your ex.

Live Your Best Life by Doing What Makes You Happy

This could involve trying a new hobby, going on an adventure, funding your new business, or even engaging in picnics or movie dates with friends. Talk about the good times you’ve shared as friends, and avoid focusing on your romantic life. If being around couples makes you sad, find other single friends and have fun while erasing the pain from your past.

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