Man Sues Woman For $2.3 Million After She Refused To Date Him, Says She Caused ‘Damage To His Stellar Reputation’

Tingey Injury Law Firm/Unsplash

A Singapore man has reportedly filed two lawsuits against a woman after she declined to date him. He alleged that the woman caused him

“emotional trauma”

after informing him that she wanted to keep the relationship platonic. The man, K. Kawshigan, initially threatened to sue Nora Tan following her rejection; however, put it on hold after she consented to join counseling sessions with him, which she committed to for one year and a half, reports the Straits Times

But when she kept denying him, he filed not one but two lawsuits against her. One suit, filed with the high court, consisted of a claim of $2.3 million for reportedly

“damage to his stellar reputation [and] trauma, depression and impacts”

on his life, reports the New York Post. While in the other lawsuit, filed with the magistrates’ court, he requested $16,700 in


for violating their agreement after she stopped going to counseling with him, court documents attained by Channel News Asia said. 

The lawsuit filed in the Magistrate’s Court was dismissed and called

“manifestly groundless and without foundation”

by a deputy registrar. The deputy registrar went on to say the court will not be a part of Kawshigan’s

“calculated attempt to compel engagement”

from the woman. 

The court says that Kawshigan and Tan became friends back in 2016 but their friendship

“broke down”

in 2020 after there was a misunderstanding about their relationship when Kawshigan believed it was romantic. Tan thought they were friends; however, Kawshigan believed her to be his

“closest friend”

and was shocked when she felt that she needed to take a break from their social exchanges, which caused him to feel


Eventually, he sent her a letter for

“monetary damages arising from negligent infliction of emotional distress and possible defamation.”

He then went on to file the lawsuit. 

The woman filed a harassment lawsuit against Kawshigan back in April 2022 and stopped going to counseling appointments. Kawshigan went on to keep contacting Tan, and she then eventually cut off all contact with him in July. 

“The high court suit is set for a case conference on Feb. 9,”

reports The Post. 

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