Married Woman Refuses To Adopt Her Nephew Before Her Sister Loses Custody, Says ‘We Enjoy Our Life As It Is’

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Picsea

A married woman has taken to Reddit seeking advice on a decision she made to not adopt her infant nephew who is on the verge of going into child protective custody.

The 34-year-old woman and her husband, 32, say they refuse to take in their sister’s baby because it will seep into their life plans. The two claim they live a very comfortable life with just themselves and their 4-year-old son and want to maintain themselves financially to be able to go on vacations, pay for classes for their son, etc. Therefore adding another child to the mix would not be feasible. 

She wrote in her post,

“My sister is 20. She recently had a son. My sister lives a very different life. She is the product of my father’s affair with another woman and lived with her mother until I was a teenager and my father got full custody. She was kind of a difficult teenager and made a lot of poor decisions. She still lives with my parents, and the pregnancy is the result of a friends-with-benefits situation.” 

She alleged that her sister is not doing a good job caring for the child and might lose custody of him. Their parents, who are in their late 60s, asked her to step in and help as they are moving up in age to take on an infant at this stage of their life. She responded,

“I told him absolutely not. We enjoy our life as it is and do not have the capacity or willingness to care for another… I feel bad for my nephew but don’t feel like it’s my responsibility to pick up where my sister failed.”

#Clique, is she wrong for not wanting to take in her nephew? What are your thoughts?

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