Parents Track Down Kidnapping Suspect And Tackle Him In Local Mall

A one-month-old infant was safely returned to his parents after being kidnapped in his parents’ stolen car Saturday morning, Fox 24 reports.

The incident occurred before 8 A.M., new parents John and Ashley were in front of their smoothie and coffee stand in Vancouver, Washington as they prepared to open for the day.

“I turn my back for just a second, and he utilized that time to run and hop into my driver’s seat of my car door,” John said. “I said, ‘Hey my son’s in there, just give me my son. Take my car, just, please, give me my son.’ He hopped in and drove.”

Less than 15 minutes later, the vehicle containing the newborn was found, and the child was returned unharmed. Later that day, John and Ashley discovered that someone was using their credit cards at the Vancouver Mall. After tracking the purchases at Victoria Secret and Footlocker, they spotted the suspect inside of a JCPenney. John then tackled the man and held him down until authorities arrived to make the arrest.

Mario Dorian Andrews has now been charged with kidnapping, theft of a motor vehicle, reckless endangerment, possession of a stolen vehicle, and attempting to elude from an earlier case in Vancouver. According to Fox 24, Andrews was previously convicted of child molestation in 2005. He is currently being held at Clark County Jail.

“It just goes to show you really can’t trust people nowadays,” John said. “It’s really difficult because, you know, we want to trust everybody and we want to be giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming positive intent. It’s just not the world we live in, necessarily.”

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