Paris Hilton Opened Up About Years of Abuse Living at Residential Treatment Centers as a Teen, Says She Was ‘Forced To Snuggle’ With Her Abusers and Seen Patients Drugged With ‘Booty Juice’

In a recent article by The Times of London, Paris Hilton opened up about the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse she faced as a teen living in a residential treatment facility. 

The hotel heiress reflected on the traumatic time in her life when she was stripped out of her bed in the middle of the night by mysterious men and placed in handcuffs. She said her parents witnessed the entire thing and were the ones who called the men to take her to a residential treatment center for troubled teens. 

Hilton said she attended CEDU Educational Services, Inc. where she was subjected to various amounts of abuse including intrusive cavity searches, hours of screaming by staff and other patients and forced cuddling with the people who had abused her. They called it


Paris said. The now 42-year-old  said she attempted to run away several times. 

“I mean, think about it: On the advice of a mental health professional, you send your struggling kid to this beautiful boarding school that costs a fortune,”

Hilton wrote.

“When the kid tries to run away, do you believe the kid who’s been royally pissing you off? Or do you believe the psychiatrist who says the kid is a crazy, incorrigible liar?”

Paris was later taken to Provo Canyon School, where she said staff 

“got off on the power they had”

over patients.

“They took us to the infirmary and made us lie on the table,”

Hilton wrote.

“Made us open our legs for their stubby fingers. If we resisted, there was always a tray with syringes. I don’t know what was in the ‘booty juice,’ but I saw kids hit the floor the moment it was injected.”

Paris Hilton is now an advocate for ending abusive therapeutic boarding schools for teens. 

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