Pet Monkey Shot and Killed After Ripping a Woman’s Ear in Half, Pulling Her Hair Out, and ‘Slapping a Man Across the Face’

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Jamie Haughton

A pet monkey went on a violent rampage after escaping his home in Oklahoma before being shot dead, NBC News reported. 

The wild monkey, reportedly named Jack, disappeared from his home in the town of Dickson over the weekend and violently attacked neighboring residents. The victim, Brittany Parker, said she first sighted the monkey on her front porch.

“He was lunging from one side of my porch and hitting the glass trying to get in,”

Parker told the outlet. 

Parker said she notified police around 6 p.m. and shortly after officers arrived on the scene. The Dickson Police Department called the Oklahoma Wildlife Department to help capture the monkey.  The monkey then jumped onto the back of the patrol car and continued on its bloody pursuit attacking the woman, ripping her ear in half, and pulling out her hair.

“It ran up my back and jumped onto my head, pulled hair out, and then ripped my ear in half like you would a piece of paper,”

Parker told the local outlet. She had to be rushed to the hospital where she received over 187 stitches. 

Jack ran off into the woods before the police could nab him. Officers spoke to the owners who attempted to seize the animal but they were also


Parker said she called a friend to help catch the monkey and he received a piece of the monkey’s fury as well.

“After I had been attacked, the monkey went out to his vehicle and slapped him across the face and pulled his hair,”

Parker told KTEN.

The man shot the monkey who died on the scene. Dickson police said the monkey was brought to the Oklahoma Disease Laboratory for testing. An investigation is ongoing. Oklahoma law allows primates to be classified as pets, so a permit is not required, according to KTEN. 

Parker continues to recover from her injuries but says she is traumatized.

“I am very traumatized. I am very scared,”

she said. 

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