According to African News, On Sunday, the Somali government ordered a ban on TikTok, Telegram, and an online betting site, claiming that these platforms were being used by “terrorists” for propaganda purposes. The decision comes ahead of the second phase of the military offensive against the radical Islamist Shebab, who have been waging a bloody insurrection against the central government in Mogadishu for more than 15 years.
In its statement, the Ministry of Communication and Technology said it ordered internet providers to cut off access to the three platforms by Aug. 24. Legal action would be taken if they failed to do so. According to the ministry, TikTok, Telegram and the 1XBET site are used by
“groups spreading immorality”
“disseminate violent images and videos and mislead public opinion”.
According to the ministry, banning them will
“speed up the war against the terrorists who have spilled the blood of the people of Somalia”.
Since August 2022, the Somali army has been engaged in an offensive against the Shebab, a group affiliated with al-Qaeda, alongside local clan militias and with the support of African Union troops and American air strikes.
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